What operating systems is IDM compatible with?

I have problems using IDM with Windows 98/ME. What should I do?

I am facing problems using IDM wtih Windows XP or Vista. How to fix this?

The latest version of IDM supports Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems. IDM works with all versions of these systems including 64-bit versions. If you face any problems please make sure that you use the latest version of IDM.

IDM does not support Windows 98/Me. Use this latest compatible version For Windows 98/ME.

Also IDM has stopped supporting Windows XP and Windows Vista. We had to stop supporting them because some functionality required in IDM to support changes in modern browsers, new authorization methods etc are not available on old operating systems. The latest version supporting Windows XP and Windows Vista is version 6.41 build 2 from May 31, 2022. You can download this latest version of IDM that support both Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Please note that the current version of IDM does not work with Unix/Linux/Mac systems. Maybe we will release versions for these systems in the future.

IDM does not work with all kind of mobile operating systems like Symbian/Android/Windows Mobile.